Electromagnetic Bomb Pdf Ppt

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• To Solar Storms: • “At risk are the more than 200,000 miles of high-voltage* transmission lines that cross North America, supplying 1,800 utilities the power for TVs, lights, refrigerators and air conditioners in homes, and for the businesses, hospitals and police stations” • (USA Today article) • To intentional attack: • 'The electric grid's vulnerability to cyber and to other attacks is one of the single greatest threats to our national security' [the vulnerability is with the control systems] • Quote attributed to Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass * Up to 750KV. • The explosive charge surrounding the tube is detonated in a manner that ensures that the compression of the cylinder commences when the current through the solenoid is at its maximum • The convergent cylindrical shock wave unleashed by the explosion produces a rapid contraction (greater than 1 km/s) of the central cylinder, compressing the magnetic field, and briefly creating a very high current in the inductor • The first experiments were able to attain magnetic fields of millions of Gauss • A strong refrigerator magnet produces 100 Gauss • The earth’s magnetic field is 0.5 Gauss. • The Gauss is the cgs unit of the magnetic flux density, B.

Electromagnetic Bomb Pdf Ppt

Electromagnetic bomb OR e Bomb, Ask Latest information, Electromagnetic bomb OR e Bomb Abstract,Electromagnetic bomb OR e Bomb Report,Electromagnetic bomb OR e Bomb. ELECTROMAGNETIC BOMB AN ARSENAL OF ELECTRICAL MASS. ELECTROMAGNETIC. PowerPoint PPT. The PowerPoint PPT presentation: 'Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP).

Adobe Cs3 Cygiso Keygen Pc here. • Conductive polymers and advanced coatings for use on shield components • such as amorphous metals and graphites • Consideration is also being given to making concrete electrically conductive • Use of Inherent Shielding of Standard Construction Materials: • Examples include aluminum-foil-backed gypsum board, aluminum-foil-backed insulating sheathing, metallic-clad siding, copper foils (normally used for vapor barriers), wire meshes, and sheet metal roofing • See their website for other initiatives. • What can the EW / ECM community do?

• Alert authorities regarding availability of dual use items (as the chemical industry does with bomb pre-cursors, etc.) • High performance capacitors, high DC current switches, highly directional antennas, etc. • Use our familiarity with shielding, pulse detection, electromagnetics, and hardened semiconductors to • develop fast acting circuit-self-protection products that could be purchased to protect DoD and industry equipment • Develop truck-borne and man-portable HERF and EMP weaponry that could defeat the enemy’s defenses.