Blender For Windows 7 64 Bit

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Recently, I feel I’ve reached the point with my programming where I can begin to tackle bigger projects. So I took the first step on the road of becoming a Blender developer and built Blender from source. My experience quickly became a long and frustrating process, fraught with difficulties from the outset. To days post is going to focus on those problems and how, with help, I managed to overcome them. I never thought that building Blender would be easy. But I didn’t think that it would be this difficult either.

It took around a week of frustrated posts on the BA forums, trail and error, and guidance from my friend and programming sensei to finally get a stable build. The Blender docs give the basics of the. But building a large program is not always a straightforward task and there aren’t many resources covering what to do when things go wrong. This is not aimed as a comprehensive guide to building Blender, but an account of my experience building Blender for the first time. It’s not meant as a stand alone guide, but as something to read alongside the official documentation if you’re building on Windows. Hopefully there will be something useful in here that can help others who are experiencing difficulties getting Blender built-in a Windows environment. I started out using as my SVN client, as the build system and (VC9) as the compiler.

Windows 7 64 Bit IsoFree Windows 64 Bit Upgrade

Even setting up TortoiseSvn was not without problems. It turns out that if you’re running Windows 7 you need to run the installer twice to get the context menus to appear.

Blender (64-bit) is the open-source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. It is available for all.

I have seen issues reported with other versions of windows as well and a second, or repair install is usually given as the fix. There are other SVN programs out there, but I’ve yet to try any of them. I don’t have much to say about CMake other than I prefer it to. It installed and ran first time (the only thing that did in this whole process! The Complete E Commerce Book By Janice Reynolds Pdf. ) and uses a simple GUI for setting up the build.

It generates project files for many common IDE’s and auto-detects libraries and compilers. It’s easy to use and I’d recommend it to anyone doing their first build.

So, with the source code downloaded, I used CMake’s default settings to create the VC9 project files. I opened VC9, loaded the project files and hit compile. I got a load of warnings in the build log, particularly linker warnings, but none of them meant anything to me and the Blender.exe built fine.

I opened up Blender and everything seemed to be going well. Then as soon as I exited the game engine Blender would crash. No warnings, no error messages, just a straight-up hard crash. When trying to use Recast and Detour I kept getting messages in the console about recast not being able to generate a navmesh. Any attempt to change the steering actuators behaviour through Python produced an error saying that the steering actuator had no attribute called behaviour. All very strange, as it works perfectly in my 2.62 release copy of Blender.